Licensing & Ordination
Licensing & Ordination
We thank God for your interest in obtaining licensing and ordination through the Ambassadors Ministerial Fellowship... for indeed the harvest is plenteous; but the laborers are few. Let us take a moment to explain the importance and value of being recognized as a licensed or ordained minister. Although licensing and ordination is not necessary for one to enter the gospel ministry, it is a most responsible step for all concerned, and as such grave responsibilities fall upon all of the parties involved: (1) the church, ministry, fellowship or association which conducts licensing or ordination, (2) the minister who is licensed or ordained and (3) those who are ministered to by the minister.
Accepting the call and responsibility of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ and serving as a messenger of the gospel is serious business and should not be taken lightly. It is only for those who have acquired a certain level of maturity, not only in their spiritual life, but personal lives as well. In modern times, legitimate ministerial credentials such as licensing and ordination by recognized church organizations go a long way toward helping local churches sort out legitimate ministers from those who are not. We provide licensing and ordination for ministers, who have a proven level of education, training, and life skills.
Fruit of Ministry
The AMF only licenses and ordains candidates with verifiable ministry experience. Candidates should be prepared to provide proof of fruitful ministry and answer the following questions as it relates to your ministry:
"Who" are your serving or leading?
"What" service or leadership roles do you provide?
"When" is the service or leadership provided?
"Where" is the service or leadership provided?
"Why" is the service of leadership provided?
"How" is the service or leadership provided?
Responsibilities of the Fellowship
It is the responsibility of the AMF to ordain only ministers who are highly qualified on the biblical qualifications as represented in the five points of examination.
It is the responsibility of the AMF to solicit the highest levels of personal life and ministerial proficiency among its ministers.
It is the responsibility of the AMF to provide means of spiritual, moral, emotional, social, intellectual, and professional growth among it's ministers.
It is the responsibility of the AMF to provide opportunities for fruitful ministry.
Responsibilities of the Minister
It is the minister's responsibility to achieve, with the Lord's help, the highest level of qualifications he/she can on the biblical qualifications as represented in the five points of examination.
It is the minister's responsibility to maintain the highest level of personal life and ministerial proficiency that the Lord can help him/her to achieve. It is advisable to review the definition of ordination, the biblical qualifications, and the five points of examination each year when filling out the ordination questionnaire, as a self-check and as an incentive to continue growing.
It is the minister's responsibility to enter into opportunities of ministry with dedication, love, faith, anointing, and faithfulness in order to render service acceptable to those to whom he ministers, to the Fellowship, and to the Lord.
Spiritual Attributes - The following spiritual attributes are essential to a most productive ministry: A devotional spirit; love (for God, the ministry, people, 1 Thessalonians 1:3; 1 Timothy 6:11, 12; 1 John 3:16); faith (Romans 12:3-8; 2 Corinthians 3:5, 6; 5:18-20; Ephesians 3:7;4:11; Colossians 1:23-29; 1 Thessalonians 1:3) humility (Proverbs 15:33; Romans 12:3); convictions (Jude 3); dedication (total commitment to God's will); a ministerial spirit (an aptitude to give service; to be solicitous over the well-being and growth of people spiritually, morally, socially, etc.); and faithfulness (1 Corinthians 4:1,2 in stewardship of time, spiritual preparation, business matters, etc.).
Moral Attributes - The following moral attributes are essential to a most productive ministry: integrity (basic honesty and wholeness of character, spiritual honesty (Psalm 51:6), intellectual honesty, honesty in preaching, and in everyday dealings) and moral purity (Isaiah 52:11; Galatians 1:10; 2:11-14; 1 Timothy 6:11-14; 2 Timothy 1:7, 9).
Emotional Attributes - It is quite likely that more inefficiency and failure in the ministry are caused by emotional and personality deficiencies than by ill health, moral defection, lack of training, education, or talent. Because of this it is most important that our ministers be very mature in self-understanding and healthy emotionally. If he/she has unresolved emotional problems, violent mood swings, personality conflicts, or fails under duress, it will greatly affect his/her attitudes in the ministry of the Lord, as well as determine his/her attitude in all interpersonal relationships. There are at least seven emotional attributes of character are important to the AMF: A sanctified temperament (Galatians 5:22, 23); a sense of proportion (balance of humor and seriousness); enthusiasm; realism; a sense of the beautiful (Philippians 4:8; Titus 1:15); sympathy (Romans 12:15; Hebrews 5:1); and patience (Romans 5:1-5; 2 Peter 1:5-8).
Intellectual Attributes - The following intellectual attributes are important for the AMF: Studious; regimentation (reasonably well-organized); moderation (in views rather than radical extremes), 1 Corinthians 9:25; Galatians 5:23; Phillipians 4:5; Titus 1:8; 2 Peter 1:6); logic; imagination; power of concentration; memory (John 14:26); and wisdom (James 1:5)
Social Attributes - Among the social attributes which are essential to the AMF are the following: Sociability, knowledge of human nature, lack of prejudice, a cooperative attitude, a conciliatory disposition, respect for authority, teachability, and loyalty (to family, church, the fellowship, associates, and friends).
Practical Attributes - It is essential to a productive ministry that the minister develop his/her practical ability to perform the functions of the ministry with skill. It is important that ministers study Bible and theology in order to educate their heads, but is important that they study practical theology in order to educate their mouths, hands and heart, as well. The minister should cultivate the spiritual and practical abilities necessary to the function in preaching, teaching, worship, administering the ordinances, pastoral care, and administration.
Certificate of License - gives full privileges and rights to preach and teach the gospel. This license is issued to ministers who are just getting started in their ministry and serving: ministers, Christian workers, deacons, outreach ministry to include food and clothing outreach, those who work in hospitals, convalescent homes, personal witnessing, youth pastors, etc. All candidates for licensing must meet the following minimum requirements: (1) Must be a graduate of our Associates Degree program, (2) must be at least 25 years of age, (3) must have at least one year of verifiable ministry experience within a local congregation, and (4) must submit a recent copy of criminal background check from a local police department.
Certificate of Ordination - gives the full privileges of the ministry to include conducting weddings, baptisms, funerals, communion. The Ordination License is given to those who have proven experience and gifting for Christian Leadership. All candidates for ordination must meet the following minimum requirements: (1) Must be a graduate of our Bachelors Degree program, (2) must be at least 30 years of age, (3) must have at least three years of verifiable ministry leadership experience within a local congregation, and (4) must a submit a recent copy of criminal background check from local police department.
Episcopal Ordination to the Bishopric - gives full rights and privileges as a Bishop to oversee ministry expansion and/or members within their jurisdiction. These position are for those who have exhibited the character and qualities of an effective leader and manager within the Body of Christ. All candidates must meet the following minimum requirements: (1) Must be a graduate of our Masters Degree program and/or our "Leadership Training Institute", (2) must be at least 35 years of age, (3) must have at least 7 years of verifiable ministry leadership experience within a local congregation and (4) must submit a recent copy of criminal background check from local police department.
Five Areas of Examination
The genuineness of his/her Christian experience
The reality of his/her divine call to the ministry
The sufficiency of his/her spiritual, moral, emotional, and social maturity.
The sufficiency and correctness of his/her understanding of Bible content and doctrine.
The adequacy of his/her preparation and practical abilities
Getting Started
Submit Licensing/Ordination Application.
Submit Copies of Ministry Degree Transcripts.
Submit Ministry Bio.
Submit Application Fee of $25.00
Submit the email addresses of 3 ministry references.
Submit a copy of your Spiritual Gifts Analysis.
If approved you will need to submit a recent head-shot for your ID Card.
Candidates for licensing must have at least an Associates Degree in a ministry-related field of study, be at least 25 years of age with at least one year of verifiable ministry experience. Candidates for Ordination must have at least a Bachelors degree, be at least 30 years of age and have at least 3 years of verifiable ministry experience. Candidates for Appointment into the Bishopric must have at least a Masters Degree, be at least 35 years of age, and have at least 7 years of verifiable ministry leadership experience within a local congregation.
Education and Training Requirements
Membership - must have at least an Associates Degree from Grace Bible College & Seminary.
Licensing - must be at least 21 years of age, have at least an Associates Degree from Grace Bible College & Seminary and one year of verifiable ministry experience within a local congregation. Eligible to apply for licensing after 90 days of membership.
Ordination - must be at least 25 years of age, have at least a Bachelors Degree from Grace Bible College & Seminary and three years of verifiable ministry leadership experience within a local congregation. Eligible to apply for ordination after 90 days of membership.
Bishopric - must be at least 35 years of age, have at least a Masters Degree from Grace Bible College & Seminary and 7 years of verifiable leadership experience within a local congregation. Eligible to be appointed into the Bishopric after 90 days of membership.